Each jumper has a small trace connecting the middle pad to the default
polarity setting. The small trace is sometimes difficult to see, but it is a thin
stripe of metal that should show up as a lighter color red. Using a hobby
knife (aka x-acto knife), cut the default traces:
Using your soldering iron, close a jumper between the middle pad and the
other outside pad:
The polarity of the traces running to that LED should now be swapped, and
your LED should be lighting up.
Prototyping the Tilt Arm Sensors
Pictured below is one of our early prototypes for the Simon Tilts design. As
you can see with all of the hand wiring, sometimes it takes more than a few
tries to find the best solution.
You can see two of our initial approaches to sensing the tilt position. The
first one you may notice is the three tilt sensors:
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