• Decoding Resistor Markings
• How To Use A Multimeter
Enclosure Drilling
The decade resistance can be mounted in an enclosure, or used without
one. If you want to put it in an enclosure, it is easiest to prepare the
enclosure before the board is assembled.
If you aren’t going to use an enclosure, you can skip ahead to the next
For this guide, we’ll be using a small aluminum enclosure, because they are
durable, and aluminum is easy to drill.
The PCB for the decade resistance does double duty as a drilling template.
Each of the holes needed in the enclosure has a matching hole in the PCB.
To use the template, tape the PCB onto the enclosure, with equal spacing
to each edge.
Mark the center of each of the holes with a center punch. Tap it with a
hammer so it leaves a small divot - the divot will serve to guide the bit when
you start drilling. There will be five marks for the rotary switches, and two
more for the banana jacks.
The oval holes for the banana jacks won’t be as precise a guide for the
punch - it’s OK to gauge the center of those holes by eye.
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