Method of securing loads
The best method for securing loads depends on the object being secured
and the mounting options on the vehicle. The legislator demands that
loads must be secured for „normal driving“ conditions, including emer-
gency braking, strong evasive manoeuvres and poor road conditions!
4.2 Before the first use
Carry out a visual examination for damages.
4.3 Before every use
1. Have the operator’s obligations according to
been complied
2. Visual inspection of the MaXafe heavy-duty lashing for damage
and dirt:
– Damaged MaXafe heavy-duty lashings must not be used.
– MaXafe heavy-duty lashings that can no longer be repaired
may not used and must be disposed of immediately.
– Clean dirty MaXafe heavy-duty lashings.
3. Dry damp or wet MaXafe heavy-duty lashings in a ventilated
room before use.
4. Check that the identification and dimensions of the MaXafe
heavy-duty lashing are suitable for the intended use
(see information on label
4.4 Use
4.4.1 Selection of suitable MaXafe heavy-duty lashings
The choice of belts is based on the following criteria:
– Size, shape, type and weight of the load/ cargo (if necessary deter-
mine weight by weighing or calculation).
– Intended use.
– Transport environment (suitable vehicle, lashing points).
– The selected lashing must be strong enough for the intended use and
have the correct length with regard to the lashing method.