VirTis Wizard 2.0
Appendix A: Troubleshooting
Revision 001, 03/09
© SP Industries, Inc. 2009
Recommended Corrective Action
Vacuum Pump Maintenance
Set the Pump Oil Change Hours for a reasonable number of hours.
Reset the Pump Oil Time whenever the Vacuum Pump Oil is serviced.
System Functions
The Wizard 2.0 controls your freeze dryer’s refrigeration, vacuum and temperature
systems. These components are vital to the freeze drying process and it is important
that these systems remain in good working condition. Failure to follow the
manufacturer’s guidelines may damage your freeze dryer and void the warranty. Refer
to your freeze dryer operator’s manual for further information.
Recommended Corrective Action
Vacuum Problems
Test the vacuum system and vacuum control using the Manual Mode
buttons. Turn the condenser on and allow it to cool to at least -40 °C.
Inspect and replace, if necessary, vacuum system hoses and gaskets.
Change your vacuum pump oil regularly even if this alarm is disabled.
Failure to service the pump oil may result in damage not covered by your
vacuum pump warranty. Consult your vacuum pump Operator’s Manual
for more information.
Observe the chamber door gaskets to determine the quality of your
vacuum preseal. The gaskets should form a black ring around the contact
surface between the chamber door and the gasket. If this ring is not
visible, you may need to replace or apply a light coating of VirTis High
Vacuum Grease (VirTis part # 357699) to your chamber and condenser
door gaskets.
Your vacuum pump is equipped with a gas ballast valve. This allows you
to clean the vacuum pump oil following an aggressive recipe. To use the
gas ballast, prepare the freeze dryer as you would for a product run and
begin a recipe that uses vacuum. Open the gas ballast on the vacuum
pump by turning the knob on the top of the pump until you can hear the
pump get considerably louder.
Alternatively, use the optional Purge function to clean the pump oil.
Never run the vacuum for more than a preseal without having the
condenser on and cold (the condenser must be at least -40 °C).
If you have an isolation valve and external condenser, check that the
isolation valve is open. This will ensure that both the product and
condenser chambers are under vacuum.
Condenser Problems
Press the
button to run the condenser in Manual Mode. Refer
to your freeze dryer specifications for lowest possible temperatures.
Check that the refrigeration system still has a sufficient charge.
Unplug your unit, remove the exterior panels and remove any dust from
the vacuum and refrigeration systems.
Check that the louvered panels are free of dust and debris.
The refrigeration system dumps excess coolant to the condenser
during Thermal Treatment. This may cause the condenser temperature to
Heat Problems
The heat function is a pulsing function. The heater will turn on and off
based on the Wizard 2.0 output to pulse toward the setpoint. During
heating, the Negative Shelf solenoid will also pulse as the temperature
reaches the setpoint (Manual Mode). When used in conjunction with the
condenser, this allows for precise temperature control.
Depending on your freeze dryer, you should be able to heat the shelves
between 0.5 °C and 1 °C per minute.
Test the heating system periodically by using the
Shelf Ctrl
button. Refer
to the specifications for your unit or contact SP Service at (877) 548-4666.