Galaxy G2
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C / A code: GPS coarse / acquisition code, modulate the pseudo-random binary code
for the 1023 bit duplex, the bit rate of which is 023MHz, and code repetition period
of 1ms.
Difference measurement: GPS measurements employ cross-satellite cross-receiver
and cross-epoch.
Difference Positioning: the method of determining the relative coordinates between
two or more receiver by tracking the same GPS signal.
Geometric dilution of precision: Describe the contribution of satellite geometry errors
factor in dynamic positioning
where a, b of the semi-major axis and semi-minor axis.
Ellipsoid: mathematical graphics formed when an ellipse moves around the minor
axis of rotation in Geodetic Survey.
Ephemeris: the position of celestial bodies over time parameters.
a is the semi-major axis, b is the semi-minor axis, e is the eccentricity.
Geoid: similar to the mean sea level and extends to the mainland special planes.
Geoid everywhere perpendicular to the direction of gravity.
Ionosphere delay: delay of radio waves through the ionosphere (non-uniform
dispersion medium)
L-band: The radio frequency range of 390-1550MHz.
Multipath error: the positioning error caused by the interference between two or more
radio signal propagation path.
Observing session: the use of two or more receivers at the same time to collect GPS
data period.
Pseudo Range: GPS receiver in the time required to copy the code aligned with the
received GPS code offset and multiplied by the speed of light to calculate the distance.
This time offset is the difference between the signal reception time (time series of the
receiver) and the signal emission time (satellite time series).
Receiver channel: GPS receiver RF mixer and IF channel, can receive and track
satellites two carrier signals.
Satellite configuration: the configuration status of the satellite with respect to a
specific user or a group of users within a specific time.
Static position: do not consider the point of measurement of the movement of the