Known Issues
Open a command prompt. (Start | Run | "cmd" or All
Programs | Accessories | Command Prompt.
Type: c:
Type: cd "\Sony\Ziris Create\bin"
(replace with your Ziris Create installation folder if not
installed in the default location)
This folder should contain a file called
To set a single time of day to expire media e.g. 2am:
Type: SetPS3DeleteWindow 02:00:00
To set a delete window to expire media e.g. between 2am
and 3am:
Type: SetPS3DeleteWindow 02:00:00 03:00:00
If the delete time would normally fall within this window,
it is not changed, otherwise the delete time is set to the start
of the next available time window.
To get the current delete time settings:
Type: SetPS3DeleteWindow
To disable the delete time setting:
Type: SetPS3DeleteWindow disable
Please restart the Ziris Create Web Server for any changes
to take effect. The current time window settings should
appear in the Ziris Create logs after the first upload. E.g.
view-ps3 delete start time = 02:00:00
view-ps3 delete end time = 03:00:00
Please be aware though that Ziris View may not delete an
expired file for up to the Content Download Interval ahead
of the expire time. The delete operation will be delayed
further if Ziris View is downloading new media from Ziris
Edge at the expire time. Also, Ziris View obviously cannot
delete files while the PS3 is switched off, in standby or
Ziris View is not running. In this case, expired media will
be deleted at the first check after Ziris View is next started.
Cancel download in progress
Ziris View periodically checks Ziris Edge for any schedule
or default content updates. Once Ziris View starts to
download new content, it will continue until complete
unless there is a network problem or Ziris View or the PS3
is shut down or restarted.
If the schedule or default content is changed while a
download is in progress, Ziris View will not attempt to
download the latest update until the previous download is
complete. This may cause frustration if a large file is
scheduled in error.
There is no explicit function to cancel a download once it
has started. However, a remote restart of Ziris View can be
performed by setting the Daily Restart Time as required
using Ziris Manage.
Disk Space on Ziris Create and Ziris
The Ziris Create and Ziris Edge server must have sufficient
hard disk space to store the ingested or applauded media
files. High resolution video files encoded at high bit rate
can consume large amounts of disk space.
It is possible that a file used by Ziris may get corrupted if
the disk becomes full while it is being written.
It may not be possible to recover these files automatically
even when disk space is made available.