Solwise SAR715PV ADSL Ethernet Router User’s Guide
. Firmware Upgrade
8.2 Using xmodem to upload the firmware files
You can use the xmodem technique to upload either the bootcode
or the main firmware files using a serial cable and terminal software
(for example Windows Hyperterminal). Please note you will need
firmware files which have the .bin extension. The .tar extension file
cannot be used; this file type is for http upgrade only (see above).
8.2.1 Loading a new bootcode bin firmware file
First of all you need to connect using a console (serial) programme
to the router. Details are given in the set-up guide but in simple
terms it’s 9600 bps, 8 data, 1 stop, no parity, no flowcontrol. Please
note these instructions assume you are using Windows
Hyperterminal. If you are using another console programme then
the same method applies though the actual terminal commands
and screen may differ slightly.
Now switch your router on whilst holding down the space-bar. This
is the sort of screen you should see.
The router should now boot to the ‘]’ prompt. It’s now ready to
accept the firmware file.
Type “xmodem fast”