ATyS d H - 544077E - SOCOMEC
12.4.3. MGT circuit check (Relay tripping coil)
Ensure that any automatic controls in auxiliary equipment is put to manual mode before carrying out an MGT circuit check.
AT1, AT2 power input
BT1, BT2 power input
ATS1, ATS2: Micro s/w DZ-10GW-1B
BTS1, BTS2: Micro s/w DZ-10GW-1B
Contactor MC-40
Give the A-OFF order by powering AT1 and AT2 terminals with an impulse command.
Should MGT not operate check the micro switch contacts of ATS1, ATS2.
Action required: Replace any component found defective.
Similarly give the B-ON order by powering BT1 and BT2 terminals with an impulse command.
If MGS is not operating properly then check that contacts BTS1, BTS2.
If MGS does not operate then check the that micro-switch SC1 and SC2 operate selective coil SC.
Action required: Replace any component found defective.