ATyS d H - 544077E - SOCOMEC
Interfacing the ATyS C55/C65 with the ATyS d H
The ATyS d H includes 4 inputs to control the supply source selector and switch positions:
AC1, AC2
Input “Source I”
A power closing terminal
BC1, BC2
Input “Source II”
B power closing terminal
AT1, AT2
Input “Source I”
A power tripping terminal
BT1, BT2
Input “Source II”
B power tripping terminal
To transfer the source supply from source I to source II the following sequence must be followed:
To transfer the switch to source II (B) from source I (A) electrically (with push buttons or an ATS controller) ensure to follow
the following sequence:
Trip switch I to the OFF position – Momentarily close Input “Source I “A” power tripping terminal”
Activate switch II to the ON position – Momentarily close input “Source II “B” power closing terminal”
To transfer to source I (A) from source II (B) orders must be given in the following sequence:
Trip switch II to the OFF position – Momentarily close Input “Source II “B” power tripping terminal”
Activate switch I to the ON position – Momentarily close input “Source I “A” power closing terminal
- When tripping or transfering the switch positions, ensure to provide a dry contact signal for at least 0.5s.
- DO NOT activate switch I and switch II position inputs simutaneously as this will permanently damage
the switching coil in the trasnfert switch.
- DO NOT open and close the switch repeatedly or without any interval between operations. Minimum
interval between signals is 1.5s.
Mode Transfer Switch ATyS
Wiring diagram to be utilised when ATyS C55/C65 configured for “SWITCH TECHNOLOGY” as “ATyS r/d”.
- The ATyS C55/C65 must be configured to stop in the “0 position” (DEAD BAND TIMER) for a duration that
is set higher than the one set on the transfer switch. (Minimum setting value 2s).
- DEAD BAND TIMER value of the ATyS C55/C65 controller must be higher than [1FT + 2AT] timers value :
1FT + 2AT ≤ DBT.
1FT – Source 1 failure timer
2AT – Source 2 availability timer
DBT – Dead Band Timer