System User Guide
To breakout a 9121 (128 port panel) two 9124 boards are required. Port connection and mapping are
detailed in the tables and illustration below.
9121 Port Numbering
Break Out Panel Numbering
Ports 1-8
Panel 1 Ports 1-8
Ports 9-16
Panel 1 Ports 9-16
Ports 17-24
Panel 1 Ports 17-24
Ports 25-32
Panel 1 Ports 25-32
Ports 33-40
Panel 1 Ports 33-40
Ports 41-48
Panel 1 Ports 41-48
Ports 49-56
Panel 1 Ports 49-56
Ports 57-64
Panel 1 Ports 57-64
Ports 65-72
Panel 2 Ports 1-8
Ports 73-80
Panel 2 Ports 9-16
Ports 81-88
Panel 2 Ports 17-24
Ports 89-96
Panel 2 Ports 25-32
Ports 97-104
Panel 2 Ports 33-40
Ports 105-112
Panel 2 Ports 41-48
Ports 113-120
Panel 2 Ports 49-56
Ports 121-128
Panel 2 Ports 57-64
Table 48: 9124 Breakout Panel - Connections and Mapping
Figure 70: Port Numbering for Breakout of 9121 Rear Panel