RollCall Control Panel Channel Operation Screens
Issue 1 Rev 6
Page 126
© 2015 SAM
Alternate Center Cut
Alternate center cut is off by default. When off, behavior on receipt of certain specific AFD
codes ignores protected regions. When Alternate center cut is on, the ARC behavior for these
six specific codes will be to remove any Black bars and also remove the grey bars that will
leave the “Alternative Centre”. The Alternative centre will therefore be stretched to fit the
screen so that the whole “white area” fills the screen. This will override Fit to width, 14:9 and
Fit to height setting, so that all three give the same output result. It also overrides the
“SD Output Format” control (“Anamorphic” or “Normal”). See SMPTE ST 2016-1:2009,
pages 7, 8 and 9.
The behavior with Alternate center cut on and off is shown in the table below:
Alternate Center Cut Illustrations
AFD Format
Interpretation with
Alternate Centre Cut Off
Interpretation with
Alternate Centre Cut On
4:3 AFD 13
4:3 Alt 14:9
4:3 AFD 14
16:9LB Alt 14:9
4:3 AFD 15
16:9LB Alt 4:3
16:9 AFD 13
4:3PB Alt 14:9
16:9 AFD 14
16:9 Alt 14:9
16:9 AFD 15
16:9 Alt 4:3