Chapter 1: Read before Use
These safety instructions are intended to prevent a hazardous situation and/or equipment damage.
These instructions indicate the level of potential hazard by label of
“Caution”, ”Warning”, or ”Danger”.
To ensure safety, follow the instructions below as well as ISO/IEC, JIS
and other safety laws
Operator error could result in injury or equipment damage.
Operator error could result in serious injury or loss of life.
In extreme conditions, there is a possible result of serious injury or
loss of life.
1 ) ISO 441 4 : Pneuma tic flui d p owe r - Gen eral rul es re la ti ng to s ys tems
ISO 10 218 -1 : 200 6 :
Rob o ts for ind ustri al e n vironmen ts - Sa fe ty req ui remen ts - Part 1 : Ro bo t
IEC 6 02 04 -1 :
Sa fe ty o f ma chi ne ry - El ectri ca l eq uipme n t o f ma chi nes - Pa rt 1 :Gene ra l
req ui remen ts
JIS B 8 37 0 : Gen eral R ules for Pn euma ti c s ys tems
JIS B 9 960 -1 : Sa fe ty o f machin ery - Ele ctrical e qu ipmen t o f machin es - Pa rt 1 : Ge ne ral
req ui remen ts
JIS B 8 433 -1 :200 7 : Ro bo ts fo r in dus trial en vi ro nmen ts - Sa fe ty re qui reme n ts - Pa rt 1 : R obo t
2) Labor Safety and Sanitation Law etc.
1. The compatibility of pneumatic equipment is the responsibility of the person who designs the
pneumatic system or decides its specifications.
Since the products specified here are used in various operating conditions, their compatibility for
the specific pneumatic system must be based on specifications or after analysis and/or tests to
meet your specific requirements. Ensuring the initial performance and safety are the responsibility
of the person who decides the compatibility of the pneumatic system. Pneumatic systems should be
constructed after full review of the details of the products other than specifications and possibilities
of failures by checking the latest product information.
2. Only trained personnel should operate poneumaticallly operated machinery and equipment.
Assembly, handling, or repair of pneumatic systems should be performed by trained and
experienced operators.
3. Do not service machinery/equipment or attempt to remove compo nent until safety is confirmed.
a. Inspection and maintenance of machinery/equipment should only be performed after confirmation
of safe locked-out control positions.
b. When equipment is to be removed, confirm the safety process as mentioned above. Cut the
supply pressure for this equipment and exhaust all residual compressed air in the system.
c. Before machinery/equipment is re-started, take measure to prevent shooting-out of cylinder piston
rod etc.
4. Contact SMC and take necessary safety measures if the products are to be used in any of the
following conditions:
a. Conditions and environments beyond the given specifications, or if products are used outdoors.
b. Installation on equipment in conjunction with atomic energy, railway, air navigation, ve hicles,
medical equipment, food and beverages, recreation equipment, emergency stop circuits, press
applications, or safety equipment.
c. An application which has the possibility of having negative effects on people, property, or animals,
requiring special safety analysis.
d. When used in an interlock circuit, dual interlock such as mechanical protection is necessary in
case of accident. Periodical inspection is also necessary to confirm proper operation.
Summary of Contents for HYRODLESS MONOSASHI-KUN
Page 26: ...26 Chapter 8 External Dimension Drawing 8 1 Hyrodless Monosashi kun with brake scale ...
Page 27: ...27 8 2 With scale ...
Page 28: ...28 8 3 With brake ...
Page 29: ...29 8 4 With shock absorber ...
Page 30: ...30 8 5 With stroke adjustment unit X416 ...
Page 31: ...31 8 6 With stroke adjustment unit X417 ...
Page 32: ...32 Chapter 9 Construction Parts list ...
Page 42: ...42 ...