CH AP TER 1 | I n t r o d u c t i o n
Congratulations on your purchase of the E Z Connect™ W ireless Cable Modem G ateway. SMC is
proud to provide you with a powerful yet simple communication device for connecting your
local area network (L AN) to the Internet.
Fe a tu re s a n d B e n e f its
E Z 3 -Cl ic k I n s ta l l a tion W iz a rd -
A new and improved way to install your G ateway
Modem. In 3 simple clicks, you will be connected to the Internet.
Internet connection to cable modem service via an integrated cable modem port
L ocal network connection via 10/ 100 Mbps E thernet ports or 5 4 Mbps wireless
8 02.11g wireless - interoperable with multiple vendors.
W ireless: W E P and W P A encryption, H ide SSID, and MAC F iltering
DH CP for dynamic IP configuration, and DNS for domain name mapping.
F irewall with Stateful P acket Inspection, client privileges, hacker prevention, DoS, and
V P N pass-through support using P P TP , L 2TP , or IP Sec
U ser-definable application sensing tunnel supports applications req uiring multiple
B uilt-in P arental controls allow you to limit certain web sites – configurable by time
and date.
E mail alerts when hacking attempts on the users network are made
E asy setup through a web browser on any operating system that supports TCP / IP
Compatible with all popular Internet applications