Take extra precautions when installing this piece of equipment. Remember that
you are dealing with dangerous voltages present inside the console. These volt-
ages can be lethal. Even 120 VAC can KILL. Remove ALL power from the con-
sole preferably by shutting off the breakers at the main or sub panels that feed
this console. Take care when attaching high voltage wiring to the pluggable ter-
minal strips on the automation. Do not leave any strands of wire hanging loose
which may short to the console case. Make sure that ALL connections are
TIGHT and SECURE. Leave NOTHING to chance. Remember what Murphy said: If
anything can go wrong, you will probably DIE. Well, that wasn’t exactly what he
said, but you get the point. Be careful!
Now that we have that out of the way, let’s get on to the installation.
Position the Controller so that the power trans-
former is at the TOP or to the RIGHT. Use the
mounting holes on the metal back plate to mark
the hole positions for drilling. Drill the appro-
priate holes in the console mounting location
and secure the metal back plate and controller
with # 8 machine screws, lockwashers, and nuts.
Follow the diagrams following the installation
section of this manual and locate the various
connection points for the Xenon Ignitor, motor,
slide projector, douser, etc. and wire each of
these items from the pluggable terminal strips
to the appropriate points in the console wiring.
Use wire sizes appropriate for the load you are
First, we are assuming a console mounting
which will probably cover most situations. If
you are installing in a Wall Mount Package, the
steps are similar except that the Controller and
Operator Panel will be in the Wall Mount Pack-
age and you will be running wires between the
console and the Wall Mount Package.
Please refer to the diagrams that follow the In-
stallation section for additional information on
mounting and connections to the Controller.
Find a suitable location in the console to mount
the Controller. This is not particularly critical
except for attempting to stay as far as possible
away from sources of EMI as described on Page
3 of this manual.
If you have not read Page 3,
please do so NOW. The success of this installa-
tion may well depend on how well you have
cleaned up the console electrically.
The Controller does not generate an appreciable
amount of heat, but as with all electronic equip-
ment, the cooler the better. So if airflow is avail-
able, take advantage of it and mount the Con-
troller in the airflow path. Also try to locate the
Controller in close proximity to the majority of
the electrical connections to minimize the wire
lengths to the Controller.
Even with all the proper precautions taken to
minimize interference from the Ignitor, you
may still experience interference problems . If
so, contact the factory for an external relay/
cable set to use in the Ignitor circuit.