This automation consists of two separate items, the Controller and the Operator Panel.
The Controller is the internal device which
mounts inside the console. It contains all the re-
lays, wiring connectors for hookup to all the
projector and console devices, the power sup-
ply, and the micro-controller computer chip and
associated circuitry which performs all the au-
tomation functions. It also contains connectors
for hookup to the Operator Panel and to an op-
tional SHOWGRAMMER II. This is all on a
large printed circuit board which is mounted on
a metal back plate. The back plate has four
mounting holes which will pass # 8 machine
screws for securing the Controller to the inside
of the console. Alternatively, the Controller may
also be mounted in the optional Wall Mount
The Operator Panel is a 3½” high by 19” wide
rack mount assembly which mounts in any stan-
dard EIA rack mount opening. Many consoles
have provision for mounting such equipment.
The Operator Panel contains all the pushbuttons
and manual bypass switches for normal opera-
tion of a typical booth. It also contains LED indi-
cators for the pushbutton switches and the sys-
tem status. The Operator Panel has a reverse
silk-screened Lexan overlay which is very
scratch resistant and aesthetically appealing. It
contains all the legends for the switches, push-
buttons, and system status. The look matches
that of the optional SHOWGRAMMER II.
Connection from the Operator Panel to the Con-
troller is through a DB25 Male to Female cable
for normal functions and through several wiring
harnesses for the manual bypass functions. The
harnesses are terminated to Faston connectors
on the Operator Panel end for ease of connec-
tion. The Controller end of the harnesses are ter-
minated on Faston connectors for some func-
tions and bare tinned wires for connection to the
pluggable connectors for other functions. These
pre-made harnesses make for an easy installa-
tion which was an important consideration in
the design.
Ease of operation was also a very important de-
sign factor, and the SHOWMATION is very
straightforward and easy to use. System Status
is easily discernible at a glance, and the operator
will appreciate the simplicity of operation.
Interlock capability is a part of the system and
goes beyond that of conventional automation
systems. The SHOWMATION has a three posi-
tion Interlock selector switch with the center po-
sition being OFF, or no interlock. The UP posi-
tion is Interlock 1 and the DOWN position is In-
terlock 2. Several automations can be wired for
interlock, and two different interlocks can be
run simultaneously with virtually any number
of screens participating. For example, lets say
that 6 screens are wired together for interlock.
Screens 1, 2, and 3 can run on Interlock 1 while
screens 5 and 6 are running on Interlock 2, and
Screen 4 is running standalone. This is accom-
plished by simply setting the Interlock selector
switch on each Operator Panel to the appropri-
ate position. You can set up any combination of
screens for interlock in this way. While running,
the Interlock state can not be changed acciden-
tally. The only time the Interlock state can be al-
tered is in STOP mode. This prevents a condi-
tion in which film might be broken if one projec-
tor were to stop for some reason.