the film is threaded and the failsafe is raised, the
READY LED will come on. The system will not
start unless the READY LED is on. The RUN-
NING LED will be off at this point. In addition
the LED in the STOP pushbutton will be on. The
INTERLOCK LED will be off unless you have se-
lected an interlock mode with the INTERLOCK
As an aid in threading, the SHOWMATION pro-
vides a JOG function. When you push the JOG
pushbutton, the motor will run. When you release
the JOG pushbutton, the motor will stop. Use this
feature rather than the MOTOR manual switch.
This saves wear and tear on the manual switch.
The STOP pushbutton will not normally be used
except when there is a problem. If you start the
show and the film is not feeding properly, for ex-
ample, you may push the STOP pushbutton to
stop the projector. After the problem is corrected,
push the START pushbutton to re-start the show.
Once the film is threaded and you are ready to
start the show, push the START pushbutton. The
INTERMISSION LED and the STOP pushbutton
LED will go off and the RUNNING LED and the
START pushbutton LED will come on. The projec-
tor will start running and the lamp will strike.
When the PICTURE START cue comes along, the
douser will open.
At this point, no further attention is required un-
less a film break occurs. If the film breaks, the LED
in the STOP pushbutton will blink rapidly. Simply
repair the film and re-thread. Then push the
START button to re-start the show. After a 7 sec-
ond delay, the douser will open automatically. If
you wish the douser to open sooner, press the JOG
pushbutton which doubles as a timer bypass
The manual switches are there in the event that
the SHOWMATION is not functioning correctly.
These are self-explanatory. Normally you should
not have to use the manual switches unless there
is a problem such as the lens and masking are not
in the correct format. In that case use the manual
switches to correct the problem.
The HOUSE LIGHTS pushbuttons may be used at
any time to change the house lights levels. Nor-
mally, the house lights levels are controlled by the
SHOWGRAMMER II programming and the cues
on the film, so it is usually not necessary to use
these pushbuttons unless there is a problem. The
LED’s in these pushbuttons will change as the
SHOWGRAMMER II programming dictates so
you may tell at a glance what the house lights lev-
els are.
The LIGHTS switch should always be in the
AUTO position so that the SHOWMATION can
control the lights. However, in an emergency this
switch can be used to
the programmed
house lights levels, and when placed in the HIGH
position will bring the house lights to full bright-
The SHOWMATION has a three position INTER-
LOCK selector switch with the center position be-
ing OFF, or no interlock. The UP position is Inter-
lock 1 and the DOWN position is Interlock 2. Two
different interlocks can be run simultaneously
with virtually any number of screens participat-
ing. For example, lets say that 6 screens are wired
together for interlock. Screens 1, 2, and 3 can run
on Interlock 1 while screens 5 and 6 are running
on Interlock 2, and Screen 4 is running standalone.
This is accomplished by simply setting the Inter-
lock selector switch on each Front Panel to the ap-
propriate position. You can set up any combina-
tion of screens for interlock in this way. While run-
ning, the Interlock state can not be changed acci-
dentally. The only time the Interlock state can be
altered is in STOP mode. This prevents a condition
in which film might be broken if one projector
were to stop for some reason.