Field Name
RS Codewords
Visible only for gateways connected via DSL
) Total number of Reed-Solomon Codewords
HEC Errors
A count of ATM HEC errors detected. As per ITU-T G.992.1 and G.992.3, a1-byte HEC is gen-
erated for each ATM cell header. Error detection is implemented as defined in ITU-T I.432.1
with the exception that any HEC error shall be considered as a multiple bit error, and there-
fore, HEC Error Correction is not performed. [1],[2]
OCD Errors
Total number of Out-of-Cell Delineation errors. ATM Cell delineation is the process which
allows identification of the cell boundaries. The HEC field is used to achieve cell delineation.
[4] An OCD Error is counted when the cell delineation process transitions from the SYNC state
to the HUNT state. [2]
LCD Errors
Total number of Loss of Cell Delineation errors. An LCD Error is counted when at least one
OCD error is present in each of four consecutive overhead channel periods and SEF (Severely
Errored Frame) defect is present. [2]
Total Cells
The total number of cells (OAM and Data cells) transmitted/received.
Data Cells
The total number of data cells transmitted/received.
Bit Errors
The total number of Idle Cell Bit Errors in the ATM Data Path. [3]
Total ES
Total number of Errored Seconds. This parameter is a count of 1-second intervals with one or
more CRC-8 anomalies. [4]
Total SES
Total number of Severely Errored Seconds. An SES is declared if, during a 1-second interval,
there are 18 or more CRC-8 anomalies in one or more of the received bearer channels, or one
or more LOS (Loss of Signal) defects, or one or more SEF (Severely Errored Frame) defects, or
one or more LPR (Loss of Power) defects. [4]
Total UAS
Total number of Unavailable Seconds. This parameter is a count of 1-second intervals for
which the xDSL line is unavailable. The xDSL line becomes unavailable at the onset of 10 con-
tiguous SESs. These 10 SES’s shall be included in the unavailable time. Once unavailable, the
xDSL line becomes available at the onset of 10 contiguous seconds with no SESs. These 10
seconds with no SES’s shall be excluded from unavailable time. [4]
ITU-T Recommendation G.992.1
(1999), Asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL) transceivers.
ITU-T Recommendation G.992.3
(2005), Asymmetric digital subscriber line transceivers 2 (ADSL2).
ITU-T Recommendation G.997.1
(2006), Physical layer management for digital subscriber line (DSL) transceivers.
[4] I
TU-T Recommendation I.432.1
(1999), B-ISDN user-network interface – Physical layer specification: General characteristics.
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