Plastic replacement
Before plastic replacement heat the extruder up to 180 degrees. After that execute the next:
1. Pressing the ring of the split
terminal, take out the guide tube.
2. Pressing the M6 bolthead of the
press lever, take out plastic.
Seat the spool with plastic and feed the end of the plastic filament through the feeder tube holder and the
guide tube so that it appears about 10cm out the other side.
Push jutting out bolt M6 and insert the plastic thread about 8 cm into the hole. Insert the guide tube into the
collet fixture till locking (refer to the section “Filament loading”.).
After that heat the extruder up to 220°
and slowly feed the plastic using a corresponding command till the
plastic thread will appear at the output of the nozzle (refer to the photo above).