Next open the tab “Manual control”. There is the status bar on the top side. Under the status bar command
line is located. Insert the G-code command and press “Send” button. If the option “Easy Mode” is active,
this field becomes disabled. It is possible to list previously inserted commands by using of a scroll wheel.
The most frequently used G-commands for manual control are:
– go to home position
G1 F2000 X10 Y50 Z30
– move printing head to coordinates x=10mm, y=50mm, z=30mm at a speed of
2000 mm/min.
– turn of stepper motors.
M190 S60
– turn on the bed heating and wait till it heats up to 60 degrees.
M109 S210
– turn on the nozzle and wait till it heats up to 210 degrees.
M104 S0
– turn off the extruder heating.
M140 S0
– turn off the bed heating.