SMA Solar Technology AG
Notes on this Manual
Technical Description
1 Notes on this Manual
These technical instructions address themselves to the installer as well as the operator of the Backup
System S. It explains the operating principle as well as the correct mounting, installation and operation
of a Sunny Backup System S.
Information regarding the following subjects can be found in the specified sections:
• Installation starting in section 2 „The Sunny Backup System S“ (11)
• Commissioning starting in section 9 „Control Elements“ (82)
• Functions starting in section 14 „Inverter Operation“ (119)
• Appendix starting in section 19 „Maintenance and Care“ (137)
1.1 Validity
This technical description applies to the Sunny Backup System S, which includes the Sunny Backup
2200 (SBU 2200) inverter, the Automatic Switch Box S (AS-Box-S.1) switching device, the external
Sunny Remote Control 1 (SRC-1) display as well as the external BatFuse A.01 DC fuse.
The technical description applies to the Sunny Backup 2200 with the firmware version 1.0 and higher.
You can read the the firmware version of your Sunny Backup 2200 on the display using the
"312.02 FwVer" parameter (see section 20.3 „Diagnostics“ (148)).
The Sunny Backup System S devices may only be operated in the intended area of application
provided in this documentation.
• Using a Sunny Backup System S as a system to supply power to life-sustaining medical devices
is prohibited.
• The Sunny Backup 2200 has been designed for use at elevations up to 2600 m above sea
level. Please contact SMA Solar Technology AG before using the device at elevations above
2600 m.
A performance loss of 0.5 % per 100 m is to be expected starting at an elevation of 2000 m
above sea level.
Do not use the devices of the Sunny Backup System S for purposes other than those indicated in this
technical description. Use of the device for other purposes can void the warranty as well as damage
both the devices and the system.
If you require further information, please contact the Sunny Island Serviceline at +49 561 95 22 399
or by e-mail: SunnyIsland.Service@SMA.de.
1.2 Storage of this Manual
Store the manuals of the Sunny Backup System S and the installed components in the immediate
vicinity of the Sunny Backup 2200 so that they are accessible at all times.