One Sided Wing loss
In the event of extreme weather conditions with increased levels of turbulence it is not
unusual that your wing may collapse on one side. In the rule your skywalk SCOTCH.HY,
even under large collapses, should open quicky and completely within a range of 90 –
180 degree turning radius. The collapse, with a subsequent turning away and reopenng
of the wing, after a Klapper where the wing surface has collapsed on one side, can be
minimalized or improved by providing additional brake pressure on the supporting wing
surface on the open side.
By a strongly deformed wing on one sided collapse, you should only apply a dosed or
cautious amount of brake pressure on the open side, to avoid a complete air flow stop,
even on the good side.
If the wing does not open after the collapse, even after applying brake pressure on the
good side, you can try to stabilize the wing on the collapsed side, by repeated pulling
of the brake on the collpsed side, this may help some in the reopening phase.
When applying brake pressure on the good side, you may experience some roll down
of the wing tip but that should not have any real relevance on safety. The SCOTCH.HY
should perform extremely well when reopening and not have any negative tendency in
direction control.
Front Stall
A paragliding wings leading edge will collapse into a front stall if you pull hard on the A
riser or through sudden instances of strong down winds.
The Leading edge will impulsively collapse across the entire Front wing span.
Through careful dosing of your brakes, both sides equally, the occilation on the cross
axis should be minimalized and at the same time the reopening time quickened.
The skywalk SCOTCH.HY should normally open after a front stall without any pilot reac-
tion. In the event that the reopening phase takes longer, you can help acelerate the reo-
pening by pulling both brake lines equally.