IF tHe trIMMer lOOP IS HOOKeD IntOtHe MaIn caraBIne lOcK
WHen StartInG FrOM a MOUntaIn, It IS recOMMenDeD tHat tHe
trIMMer Be FUllY clOSeD. IF tHat IS nOt DOne, tHen tHe rISer
eXtentIOnS MaY nOt Be OF eqUal lenGtH, tHat cOUlD even
Have tHe eFFect OF SHOrtenInG tHe eXtentIOnS tO a POInt
tHat tHe WInG cOUlD Be In a DanGerOUS FlIGHt cOnDItIOn.
Most of the modern harnesses in use have Rollers for the Speed Bar System. The
speed bar lines are threaded throught the rollers on the harness and lead through to
the Brummel hook connection piece and tied at that point. By correct placement or
positioning of the speed system lines, the speed bar should be easily reached when
stepping into the system, and fully accelerated at the point of full extention of the leg
and foot. Before starting your wing from mountain starts be sure to hook up the speed
bar line connection pieces to the Brummel hooks located on the riser speed line and
wing. Please ensure that the speed lines are running free, and properly connected.
Functionality of the Speed System
The Pilot activates the speed system using his foot and extending it, thus the A-B-C
Riser is shortened lowering the angle of attack.
Motorised Flight
The SCOTCH.HY is certified for Motorised flight to the upper speed range of the
Trimmer as registered under DULV. Speedbar is not allowed to use for Motorised flight.
The Motor Riser which is attached to the Motor system, has roller attachments for the
speed system. The assembly ist he same as when using the system in
Free Flight mode.
It is recommended that the Speed Bar System be properly attached and secured
during take off and landings, so that the system does not have a chance to get caught
up in the Propeller.