necessary to always allow for sufficient safe altitude.
In order to avoid a strong pendulum movement during the ending phase of the steep
spiral, you should slowly release the curve inside brake, while holding tension on the
outer brake.
If the wing starts to react and dive into a stronger asymettrisch spiral caused by some
bad factors, (for instance by having the harness cross straps pulled to tight), you must
actively stop the spiral by placing your body weight on the curve outside side, and
substancially increase the brake pressure on the outside wing side.
Also a braking effect of braking both sides equally, can bring the wing out of the spiral,
but an overshooting of the wing on one side may be a side effect to be compensated
by brake control.
tHe SteerInG anD BraKe PreSSUreS MaY Be qUIte a BIt HIGHer
tHan DUrInG nOrMla FlIGHt!
B-line Stall (Motor and Free Flight)
To perform this manuever, the B-risers are pulled down symettrically by approx. 20 cm.
At the same time you should still hold the brake grips in your hands.
The airflow over the upper wing profile is then broken off and the wing starts to enter
what appears to be a Sack stall type of flight condition without any forward flight.
Through a strong pulling down of the B-riser, you can reduce even more the wing
surface and thus raise your sinking rate.
Though a quick release of both of the B-riser, simultaneous, you can bring your wing
back into normal flight.
The wing cap surges forward and the wing begins to fly normally again.
In the event that the wing forms into a Rosette or backwards U form, you must release
the B-riser lines immediately and allow the wing to fly normally. If the wings leading
edge does not fully inflate then you can add some brake pressure equally to both sides
to help inflation.
Big ears (Motor and Free Flight)
Another Sink Rate Manuever option, other than B-Stall and Steep Spirale, is the „Big
Ears“ concept using a combination of forward ground speed and sink. This form of Sink