Manuever is used when an area of danger exists and you want to change your direction
horizontally and fly out of the danger area quickly.
To perform this „Big Ear“ manuever pull down both outside A-risers. Now you can easily
lose altitude without any danger, by decreasing the wing surface and causing the wing
to fly only from the mid section of the wing. To steer the wing, simply rotate or change
your weight from side to side. By performing this manuever you should not be shorte-
ning the brake line by wrapping the lines around your hand.
The opening of the wing tips to full form is performed by simply releasing the A-risers
on both sides and through dosed pumping of the brakes to support the opening, when
WHen USInG tHe FlIGHt Decent MetHOD „BIG earS“ Be aDvISeD
tHat YOUr WInG anD eSPecIallY tHe lIne GrOUPS are UnDer a
HIGHer lOaD Or StreSS, tHereFOre DO nOt FlY anY eXtreMe
FlIGHt ManUeverS WHIle PerFOrMInG „BIG earS“.
valid for all types of extreme flight manuevers and Flight Decent Hel pare:
First learn all types of new flying methods, like quick Sink methods under the
observation of a qualified flight instructor in a teaching course covering Safety in flying.
When performing these manuevers be certain that your air space is free all around you,
but especially under you.
When performing these methods it is advised that the pilot have constant eye contact
with their wing.
SPecIal nOtIce:
all eXtreMe FlIGHt ManUeverS Have a cOnSeqUence OF
PUttInG aDDItIOnal StreSS On tHe WInG, lIneS, anD caP, anD
tHUS Have a neGatIve eFFect On tHe MaterIal lOnGevItY. tHe
reSUlt IS tHat tHe WInG WIll tHUS Have leSS OF a lIFeSPan.