Nice Air Operation Procedure PA-34 Seneca
Copy Right Nice Air 2575 Robert Fowler Way, San Jose, CA 95148 Phone(408)729-3383
Multi engine systems
PA 34-200 Seneca
Make : Avco Lycoming
Right Engine LIO-360 C1E6(turning counter clockwise from the cockpit)
Left Engine IO-360 C1E6
• 4 cylinders
• Horizontally opposed
• Normally aspirated(No turbo charge)
• Air cooled (Engine oil and fuel helps cooling)
• Direct drive(Propeller is attached to the crank shaft directly without any reduction gear or trans-
• Fuel injected
Horsepower: 200 BHP
Alternate air: Working as a carburetor heat. Heated air around exhaust manifold is directed through the alternate
air source. RPM drops slightly when it is open.
Cowl flap: Manually operated. There are three positions; open, half and closed.
Make: Hartzell
Type: Constant speed, full feathering propeller
What is a constant speed prop?
The propeller which maintains the RPM selected by propeller control lever constant regardless of air-
plane’s pitch attitude or throttle position within some range.
The advantage of a constant speed prop.
The pilot can select the most efficient blade angle for each phases of operation. By selecting low pitch/
high RPM, you can get maximum power for takeoff. By selecting high pitch/low RPM, you can fly
faster at low RPM and you can save the fuel for cruise.
How does it work?
When the airplane rise it’s nose, it start climb. As it climb, airspeed goes down. The RPM is also going