Nice Air Operation Procedure PA-34 Seneca
Copy Right Nice Air 2575 Robert Fowler Way, San Jose, CA 95148 Phone(408)729-3383
Short Field Landing
Approach as normal. Full flap on final.
Select the top of the first centerline as the touch down point.
You need to touch down +200/-0ft from that point(private), +100/-0ft (commercial). In this way, you
can keep the runway number as the aiming point same as for normal landing.
Maintain proper approach speed 87 MPH at least last 1/4 mile on final.
You don’t need to make steep or shallow approach. Just maintain normal approach path all the way to
the runway number.
4. Clear the brake
Make sure that your toes don’t touch the brake. Your toe must be on the lower part of the pedal to
avoid locking the tire.
5. Reduce power, flare touchdown.
Do as you do for normal landing. If your approach was correct, it will touch down the point. If your
approach was wrong, there is no way to correct at this point. Do no try to touch down on the point by
lowering the nose or by releasing back pressure. You will land flat and damage the airplane. If you
think you will over shoot, commence go around and make the better approach next time.
After touch down, as you maintain directional control, use NOMAL BRAKE.
In real short field situation, you may need to retract the flap and use full brake. However, during train
ing, we want to avid gear up on the runway and locking the brake, making flat spot on the tires caused
by improper use of “ full brake”. You call out “Flap up, full brake” and use normal brake instead of
full. Leave the flap down.