KYJACK, Page 9
JIII Conventional eries
ection 4 - Troubleshooting Information
ervice and Maintenance
Electrical ystem (Continued)
4.1-16 No Drive or teer when Platform Elevated
1. Pothole protection bars not fully lowered.
Clear obstructions. Repair as needed.
2. Loose or broken wire #71 from base terminal block to pothole protection limit switch LS4.
Check continuity. Replace if defective.
3. Defective pothole protection limit switch LS4.
Check switch. Replace if defective.
4. Loose or broken wire #72 from pothole protection limit switch LS4 to base terminal block.
Check continuity. Replace if defective.
5. Loose or broken wire #72 from base terminal block to pothole protection limit switch LS5.
Check continuity. Replace if defective.
6. Defective pothole protection limit switch LS5.
Check switch. Replace if defective.
7. Loose or broken wire #19 from pothole protection limit switch LS5 to base terminal block.
Check continuity. Replace if defective.
4.1-17 Elevated Drive peed Does not Activate
1. Loose or broken wire #59 from base terminal strip proportional relay 21CCR
(AN I/C A)
or 21ACR
Check continuity. Replace if defective.
1. Loose or broken wire #59A from proportional relay 21CCR
(AN I/C A)
or 21ACR
to resistor
RS 2.
Check continuity. Replace if defective.
2. Resistor RS 2 open.
Check resistor ohms, it should be 30 ohms. Replace if defective.
3. Loose or broken wire #02 from resistor RS 2 to base terminal block.
Check continuity. Replace if defective.
4. Proportional relay 21CCR
(AN I/C A)
or 21ACR
Check relay, replace if defective.
4.1-18 Work Platform Drives in low peed Only
1. Loose or broken wire #71 from base terminal block to high speed limit switch LS1A.
Check continuity. Replace if defective.
2. Open or defective high speed limit switch LS1A.
Check switch. Replace if defective.
3. Loose or broken wire #21 from high speed limit switch LS1A to low voltage protection resistor RS 3.
Check continuity. Replace if defective.
4. Defective low voltage protection resistor RS 3.
Check resistor. Replace if defective.
5. Loose or broken wire #21C
(AN I/C A)
or #21A
from low voltage protection resistor RS 3 to
proportional relay 21CCR
(AN I/C A)
or 21ACR
Check continuity. Replace if defective.
6. Proportional relay 21CCR
(AN I/C A)
or 21ACR
Check relay, replace if defective.
7. Loose or broken wire #02 from proportional relay 21CCR
(AN I/C A)
or 21ACR
to base terminal
Check continuity. Replace if defective.
8. Proportional controller S7 out of adjustment.
Adjust controller. Refer to Section 5, Joystick Adjusting Procedure.