NOTE - alarm relay thresholds are very different form the logging thresholds described in
Section 3.2.14 below and must not be confused.
NOTE – always press Escape to leave Main Menu mode and return to Log Mode. Else the
logger will not record any data and batteries will drain quickly.
4.2.14 Option D - Set Channels For Non Zero / Threshold Log Mode
This option allows the user to set up the D for normal logging, logging only if data
is not zero, or logging above or below a set threshold. Each software channel can be
individually configurable, but only one mode can be set at any one time. On choosing
Option D from the Main Menu, you are asked to enter the software channel you wish to set,
choose from 00 to 24. The following submenu is then displayed:
Option 00 - in normal storage mode, the D will store every measurement at the
chosen log storage) intervals. Your choice of normal logging is confirmed on screen.
Option 01 - in non-zero storage mode, a measurement is only stored in memory if it does not
have a raw data value of zero. This option is a memory saving procedure and prevents the
memory being filled up with unnecessary zeros - most applicable to digital channels. Your
choice of non-zero logging is confirmed on screen.
NOTE - it is not advised to use the non-zero storage mode option with relative humidity and
temperature channels. The raw data values for these sensors are not zero at 0% and 0°C.
Similarly for voltage or current channels as these may have a zero offset. This option is really
designed for use with digital channels only, where the absence of a ‘count’ has a clear
meaning and is usually a significant event, eg. a tipping bucket raingauge.
Option 02 - this mode can be used to offset readings if wished, data is stored only when
readings are above the set threshold. You are asked set this threshold by entering it in the
same format as the full scale value for the chosen software channel - an example is given on
screen. A + or - sign and leading zeros are required.
Option 03 - this option is similar to Option 02 above, except data is stored only when
readings are below the set threshold. You are asked set this threshold by entering it in the
same format as the full scale value for the chosen software channel - an example is given on
screen. A + or - sign and leading zeros are required.