Current Input - ‘current gain’ settable as above, 0) to 7)
Current Input - ‘current gain’ settable as above, 0) to 7)
Current Input - ‘current gain’ settable as above, 0) to 7)
Current Input - ‘current gain’ settable as above, 0) to 7)
Current Input - ‘current gain’ settable as above, 0) to 7)
Current Input - ‘current gain’ settable as above, 0) to 7)
N.B. a) Current channel inputs are intended for use with Skye Instruments light sensors and so
show a positive reading for a negative current input with respect to ground. If these channels
are used with a sensor giving a positive current output with respect to ground, then the
DataHog will show a negative current.
b) Current sourcing sensors that can apply greater than 2 volts to these inputs when they are
not active, may cause errors on other channels.
3.2.3 Internal Temperature Channel
This is fitted only as an integral air temperature sensor, or as the 12th thermistor channel
where 12 thermistor channels are required. If it is fitted, it may be addressed as channel 45,
and will give an output as per a standard thermistor channel
Hardware Channel Number Function and Description
Thermistor only channel. Scale as a thermistor (10K)
3.2.4 Digital Input Channels
Low speed inputs. These accept switch closure inputs or 5 volt pulse inputs. The maximum
counting rate is 300 pulses per second.
N.B. Digital channels may only be ascribed to one software channel.
Hardware Channel Number
Function and Description
Counting channel. Max count = 65535 before rollover
Counting channel. Max count = 65535 before rollover
Counting channel. Max count = 65535 before rollover
Counting channel. Max count = 65535 before rollover
Counting channel. Max count = 65535 before rollover
Counting channel. Max count = 65535 before rollover
Note that with a sampling time of 1 hour, the maximum count rate is approximately 18 per
second if a rollover is to be avoided with a sensor such as windspeed, sample times should
be kept below 10 mins to avoid rollover.
3.2.5 Internal Relative Humidity Channel – earlier models of DataHog2 only