Quick Setup/Installation Guide for Lubrication Monitor Controller LMC 301
6.6.4 Zone Control with MA/MP
Fig. 29
Lube Control
Pressure Sensor at EOL
Lube Control Time
Proximity Sensor
Control zones
System configuration
Amount of pumps
Pump 1 settings
Set Params to Default
Restore Fact. Set.
Login settings
User settings
Device settings
Pump 1 Timings
System configuration
Main Menu
Login settings
Enter Password
Set PW local admin
Set PW Supervisor
Enter Password
Please enter Password
to continue
Password correct
You are logged in
as Supervisor
Login settings
Login settings
Amount of pumps
Amount of pumps
<< 1 pump >> << 2 pump>> << 3 pump >>
Pump 1 settings
Pump settings
Zone 1 Settings
Zone 1 Settings
Zone 1 Settings
Cycle Control
Lube Control
Cycle Control
Lube Load
Control Mode
[ << time controlled >> << counter ctrld>> ]
[<< Normal Cycle Time >> << Counter ctrld>>]
[0000: 00: 00] [ 000]
<<Heavy Cycle Timet>> << Heavy Cycle Counts >>]
[0000: 00: 00] [ 000]
Input Type
[ << normally closed >> <<Counter>> << normally open>><< disabled>> ]
Input No..
[ 1,06 ] DI
Lube Load
Input Type
[ << normally closed>> << normally open >> << disabled>> ]
Input No.
[ 1,07 ] DI
Cycle settings
Lubrication intervals
Version of driving
Time interval of
Operation of
Release / Counter
Operation of the zone
control and allocation
Output Type
[ << normally closed>> << normally open >>
<< disabled>>
Output No.
[ 1,04 ] DI
Output Typetyp
<< normally closed>> << normally open >>
<< disabled>> ]
Output No.
[ 1,06 ] 0
Proximity Sensor
Amnt of Prox. Sensor
[ 2 ]
Input No. 1 Type
<< normally closed>> << normally open >> << disabled>> << Counter>>
Input No. 1
[ 1,04 ] DI
Input No. 2 Type
<< normally closed>> << normally open >> << disabled>> << Counter>>
Input No. 2
[ 1,04 ] DI
Monitoring Time
[00: 00: 00]
Holding Time
[00: 00: 00]
Lube Control Time
Pressure Sensor at EOL
Sensor Type
[ << disabled>> << transducer 1-6V >> << transducer 4-20 mA >>
<<transducer 0-20mA >> <<transducer 2-10V >>
<<transducer 0-10V>> <<normally closed>> <<normally open>>
Input No. A
[ 1,02 ] AI
Input No. B
[ 1,01 ] AI
Minimal Valve
[ 0000 ] PSI
Maximal Valve
[ 0000 ] PSI
Min abs. Pressure
[ 0000 ] PSI
Max. abs. Pressure
[ 0000 ] PSI
Min dif. Pressure
[ 0000 ] PSI
Max. dif. Pressure
[ 0000 ] PSI
Additional buttons
in transducer setting