Training instructions
1. It is recommended to drink a glass of water prior to training.
2. Plug in the equipment.
Position yourself on the plate as shown on the figures.
4. Press the start button to start the program.
5. Do not exercise for longer than 20 minutes.
6. It is recommended to start with 30 seconds per exercise at 25 Hz. Once you have increased your
fitness level throughout the following days you may extend in steps of 15 seconds up to 60 se
conds. Only after that you may increase the Hz level and start with 30 seconds.
7. We recommend to exercise 3-4 times per week with a one day pause in between.
Contra indications
Bacterial infections, migraine:
While exercising the bacteria may be transported to the heart and cause permanent cardiac dysfunc-
The blood clot may be transported to the heart/brain and lead to vascular blockage.
Heart pace maker/ brain pace maker:
Pace makers may be disturbed in their function.
No evaluation available.
Foreign parts (screws, plates etc.):
Those parts may turn loose within the first 8 weeks of use due to vibration.
Permanent contraceptive devices:
Those should have been inserted at least 8 weeks prior to exercising.
Artificial joints, pregnancy, tumours, epilepsy:
Please consult your physician as no evaluation available.