CR44/54 Pilot menu & navigation examples
Chapter 6-17
Pressing [GOTO] from chart display during navigation will activate
an INFO window with the following functions to choose from:
1. Advance (to next routepoint)
2. Restart to approaching point (in case you have drifted off course)
3. Turn NAV OFF
6.9.4 Track navigation
A track is created by a series of trackpoints connected by track lines.
Using a track for navigation is somewhat like navigating in a route
with many waypoints.
To start Track navigation will require that at least one track is stored
in the memory. Tracks which are not yet completed can not be used
for navigation. Refer to section 8.5 Start / Stop track.
There are two ways to start Track navigation:
• From the chart:
Place cursor on the track at the point where you wish to start your
navigation from
Call up the GOTO menu, and...
Select Track navigation mode
This will activate the pop-up window “Navigate in track” with the
selected trackpoint as first destination point. Check if any of the cur-
rent settings need to be changed.
• From the chart, without first placing cursor on a track:
Call up the GOTO menu, and...
Select Track navigation mode