Rev. 0.2
To execute an asynchronous Read SPI transfer:
a. Select the
Read (Asynchronous)
radio button from the
SPI Transfer Type
group box.
b. Enter the maximum number of bytes to read in the
Total Bytes (<1M)
text field. Enter a maximum
timeout, which specifies the maximum amount of time the read transfer can take in milliseconds. Enter
the poll block size in bytes and poll interval in milliseconds.
c. Click the
Execute SPI Transfer
button to start the asynchronous read transfer. The button will change
Abort Read Operation
while the transfer is in progress. This button can be clicked to abort the
current read before the timeout elapses or the total number of bytes is read.
d. The received data will be displayed in the
Receive Data
text box when the application reads the poll
block size every poll interval.
e. The asynchronous read transfer status will be displayed in the output text box and the status of each
poll interval will be logged.
Figure 15. Executing an Asynchronous Read SPI Transfer