• Use only in dry rooms.
• If one or more transmitters are used for controlling the system, its
operating range must stay visible during operation.
• Keep control systems out of the reach of children and the
• Dispose of used batteries properly.
Safety instructions for radio operation
Observe all safety instructions for radio operation.
Only use radio systems which are approved and can be operated
without interference.
• Radio systems must not be operated in areas where there is an
increased risk of interference (e.g. hospitals, airports).
• The remote control is only approved for devices and systems for
which any malfunction of the transmitter or receiver would not
result in a risk for persons, animals or property, or if such a risk is
covered by other safety equipment.
• The operator has no protection whatsoever against interference
by other telecommunication installations and local terminals (e.g.
also from radio installations which are operated properly in the
same frequency range).
• The range of the radio signal is limited by legislation and the
structural conditions.
Intended use
The SG 10303 hand-held radio transmitter is a multi-channel
transmitter. It can be used unidirectionally or bidirectionally.
The hand-held transmitter must only be used for the control
of Silent Gliss shading systems which are equipped with the
Safety instructions for radio operation