SIKA, Dr. Siebert & Kühn GmbH & Co. KG, Struthweg 7-9, 34260 Kaufungen, Germany
Tel: +49-5605-803-0, Fax: +49-5605-803-54, email: [email protected], web:
Launches the storage of data following the parameters set in the “parameters” function. The pictogram is displayed
on the measurement screen
Stops the storage in progress.
Allows you to define:
the size of the acquisition (max 10,000 values),
the sampling period from 0.5 S to 30 Min,
and the type of trigger (None, low level, high level).
If you have selected a low level or high level trigger, you must define the trigger level and the number of data to
record after this trigger (Post-trigger).
Display burst:
You can display the burst in the form of a table of values or a trend curve.
Post trigger = 900 measurements
Size of block (1,000 measurements)
Trigger on programmed value
= 10°C