Instructions, use and maintenance manual
Pag. 6/48
3. Warranty conditions
3.1. Validity
The warranty becomes effective from the date of shipment and lasts for twelve months, if:
The machine was not damaged during transportation, and it was installed, commissioned, used and serviced
as prescribed in this manual.
It was not tampered with, modified and no unintended tools were installed on it.
It has not been modified or repaired by the purchaser or by third parties in an inconsistent manner or without
the prior consent of the supplier.
The following conditions constitute improper use of the machine:
Loading more than what is allowed or use of unsuitable ingredients.
Cleaning with unsuitable tools or instruments that can scratch the bowl or damage the machine, paint and
plastic parts.
Use of the machine in unsuitable places.
3.2. Warranty mode of provision
The purchaser must immediately notify the supplier of any detected machine defects; the supplier will quickly
analyse the non-conformity and decide, in collaboration with the purchaser, on the actions to be taken.
After agreement with the supplier, the purchaser must give the same the necessary time and opportunity to carry
out any changes, improvements, repairs or supply of under-warranty parts it deems necessary, otherwise the
supplier is exempt from property vices.
3.3. Wear parts
Some components are sized to last longer than normal use of the machine under warranty time. The failure or
malfunction of these parts depends on the use, they are therefore considered wear parts and are not covered by
warranty, except for evident defects on the part or machinery.
Parts subject to wear: transmission belts, chain and bearings