6 Using the centrifuge
Version 06/2012, Rev. 1.0 • sb-kue
Translation of the original operating manual
Pos: 123 /10 0 Sigm a/10 0 BA Z entrif uge n (St anda rd mod ule)/ 060 Betrie b_Spinc ont rol L +S/Spinco ntr ol S ( Zent 7)/ 060 -00 30- 0020 M anu eller B etrie b @ 1 0\m od_ 132 869 710 5069 _68 .docx @ 5 802 8 @ 3 @ 1
6.3.2 Manual mode
Pos: 124 /10 0 Sigm a/10 0 BA Z entrif uge n (St anda rd mod ule)/ 060 Betrie b_Spinc ont rol L +S/Spinco ntr ol S ( Zent 7)/ 060 -00 30- 0020 -0 010 Start en einer Ze ntrif uga tion @ 10\ mo d_13 286 971 053 03_ 68.d ocx @ 580 36 @ 44 @ 1
Starting a centrifugation run
The centrifuge is ready for operation when the start key is illuminated.
• Press the start key in order to start a centrifugation run.
Pos: 125 /01 0 Univ ersal mod ule/ Lee rzeile @ 0\ mo d_12 021 162 445 00_ 0.doc x @ 1 14 @ @ 1
Pos: 126 /10 0 Sigm a/10 0 BA Z entrif uge n (St anda rd mod ule)/ 060 Betrie b_Spinc ont rol L +S/Spinco ntr ol S ( Zent 7)/ 060 -00 30- 0020 -0 020 Unte rb rech en ei ner Ze ntrif ugati on @ 10\ mod _13 286 971 0556 9_6 8.d ocx @ 580 44 @ 44 @ 1
Interrupting a centrifugation run
• Press the stop key in order to interrupt a centrifugation run. The
centrifugation run will be terminated prematurely.
Quick stop
• Press the stop key for more than three seconds.
The centrifuge decelerates with the maximum deceleration curve.
After a quick stop, the centrifuge lid must be opened before a new
centrifugation run can be started.
A quick stop can also be triggered during a normal deceleration, e.g. in
order to speed up the deceleration.
When a quick stop is triggered, “Quick stop” will be displayed in the speed
Pos: 127 /01 0 Univ ersal mod ule/ Lee rzeile @ 0\ mo d_12 021 162 445 00_ 0.doc x @ 1 14 @ @ 1
Pos: 128 /10 0 Sigm a/10 0 BA Z entrif uge n (St anda rd mod ule)/ 060 Betrie b_Spinc ont rol L +S/Spinco ntr ol S ( Zent 7)/ 060 -00 30- 0020 -0 030 Unte rb rech en ei nes Br emsv org angs @ 10 \mo d_1 328 697 105 819_ 68. docx @ 58 052 @ 44 @ 1
Interrupting a deceleration process
• Press the start key during a deceleration process in order to interrupt it
and to restart the centrifuge.
Pos: 129 /01 0 Univ ersal mod ule/ Lee rzeile @ 0\ mo d_12 021 162 445 00_ 0.doc x @ 1 14 @ @ 1
Pos: 130 /10 0 Sigm a/10 0 BA Z entrif uge n (St anda rd mod ule)/ 060 Betrie b_Spinc ont rol L +S/Spinco ntr ol S ( Zent 7)/ 060 -00 30- 0020 -0 040 Auswahl , Anzeig e u nd Änd eru ng v on Da ten @ 10 \mo d_1 328 697 1060 54_ 68. docx @ 580 60 @ 44 @ 1
Selection, display, and modification of data
The standard menu is displayed.
• Turn the function knob in order to select a field. The selected field is
• Press the function knob. The display starts to flash and the modification
mode is active.
• Turn the function knob in order to modify the set value of the selected
• Press the function knob again to confirm the entry and to quit the
modification mode.
Pos: 131 /01 0 Univ ersal mod ule/ Sei tenwe chsel @ 0\ mod _12 021 1624 431 2_0 .docx @ 1 05 @ @ 1