5 Set-up and connection
Version 06/2012, Rev. 1.0 • sb-kue
Translation of the original operating manual
Pos: 89 / 100 Sigma /100 BA Ze ntrifu gen (Sta nda rdm odul e)/0 50 Auf stellun g u nd Ansc hluss/ 050 A ufstellu ng und An schluss == == === == == === == == === == == === == == == @ 7\ mod_ 130 630 929 901 0_6 8.doc x @ 4 345 7 @ 1 @ 1
5 Set-up and connection
Pos: 90 / 100 Sigma /100 BA Ze ntrifu gen (Sta nda rdm odul e)/0 50 Auf stellun g u nd Ansc hluss/ 050 -001 0 Au fstello rt @ 7\m od_ 130 6309 553 166 _68. docx @ 43 471 @ 2 2 @ 1
Operate the centrifuge only in closed and dry rooms.
All the energy supplied to the centrifuge is converted into heat and emitted
to the ambient air.
• Ensure sufficient ventilation.
• Keep a safety distance of at least 30 cm around the centrifuge so that
the vents in the centrifuge remain fully effective.
• Ensure sufficient water flow for water-cooled centrifuges.
• Do not subject the centrifuge to thermal stress, e.g. by positioning it
near heat generators.
• Avoid direct sunlight (UV radiation).
• The table must be stable and have a solid, even surface.
• Attention: During transport from cold to warmer places, condensational
water will collect inside the centrifuge. It is important to allow sufficient
time for drying (min. 24 h) before the centrifuge can be used again.
Pos: 91 / 010 Unive rsalm odul e/ L ee rzeile @ 0\ mod _120 211 624 450 0_0. docx @ 11 4 @ 3 @ 1
Pos: 92 / 100 Sigma /100 BA Ze ntrifu gen (Sta nda rdm odul e)/0 50 Auf stellun g u nd Ansc hluss/ 050 -002 0 En ergi ever sor gung -- --- -- --- -- --- --- -- --- -- --- --- -- --- -- --- -- --- --- -- --- @ 7\ mo d_13 063 120 354 39_ 68.d ocx @ 434 99 @ 2 @ 1
Power supply
Pos: 93 / 100 Sigma /110 BA Ze ntrifu gen (Proj ekte )/6- 16S_ 6-1 6HS/050 Aufstell ung und A nschluss /05 0-0 020 -00 10 Ansc hlussa rt 6 -16HS @ 13 \mo d_1 342 5037 401 01_ 68.d ocx @ 687 79 @ 33 @ 1
5.2.1 Connection
The operating voltage on the name plate must correspond to the local
supply voltage!
SIGMA laboratory centrifuges are units of safety class I. The centrifuges of
the type 6-16HS have a three-wire power cord with an IEC C13 connector.
They are equipped with temperature fuses..
• Switch the unit off by actuating the mains power switch.
• If they have tripped, let the fuses cool for approximately 2 minutes.
• Switch the unit on. The fuses are reactivated.
Pos: 94 / 010 Unive rsalm odul e/ L ee rzeile @ 0\ mod _120 211 624 450 0_0. docx @ 11 4 @ @ 1
Pos: 95 / 100 Sigma /110 BA Ze ntrifu gen (Proj ekte )/6- 16S_ 6-1 6HS/050 Aufstell ung und A nschluss /05 0-0 020 -00 20 Siche run gen ba useits 6-1 6S @ 1 3\m od_1 340 359 240 228 _68. docx @ 67 713 @ 3 @ 1
5.2.2 Customer-provided fuses
Typically, the centrifuge must be protected with 16 Amp L or B fuses that
are to be provided by the customer.
Pos: 96 / 010 Unive rsalm odul e/ Absc hnittsw echsel @ 0\ mod _12 021 245 140 62_0 .docx @ 4 18 @ 1 @ 1
Pos: 97 / 010 Unive rsalm odul e/ Seit enwec hsel @ 0\m od_ 120 211 6244 312 _0. docx @ 10 5 @ 2 @ 1