Copyright © Sigicom AB 2019
Measuring Logic
Measurement Standards
The C12 contains a number of pre-configured measurement standards,
used in different countries and for different types of measurements. More
standards may be added later on by upgrading the software. Selection of
current standard is done through INFRA Net. The selected standard
applies to all three nodes.
Note! Each measurement standard has its own unique parameter setting:
Interval time
Upper threshold
Recording time
This means that they are set individually for each measurement standard.
When another standard is selected, these parameters need to be reviewed.
A more thorough description of the available measurement standards is
given in Appendix G.
For traceability of the registered data, all data files have an extensive
header where all necessary meta-data is saved, for example serial number
and calibration date, selected standard, threshold level etc.
Interval Measurements
C12 processes the vibration signal through the filters and detectors of the
selected measurement standard. The interval value is the maximum value
of the processed signal within a selected interval time. When the interval
end time is reached, the value for each node is saved in memory, and a
new interval is started. The timestamp of the interval is set to the time
when it was saved.
The interval time can be set to a value between 5 seconds and 20 minutes
using INFRA Net. The same value applies to all three nodes.