11. The two (2) pieces of 1/16"x4"x24" balsa sheet stock provided in your kit are now used to make the center section sheeting
for both the top and bottom of both wing panels. Begin by using a straightedge to slice the edges of these sheets exactly
straight. Then measure and cut the sheets into four (4) 6" lengths. Now carefully glue two of these 4"x6" sheets together
along their 6" edges to create a single 6"x8" piece of sheeting. Repeat this process with the remaining pieces of sheeting.
When finished, you should have four (4) pieces of 6 x 8 center section sheeting.
Fit one of the center section sheets in place against the rear edge of the forward wing sheet, with its adjacent edge lined
up with the outer face of W-1A. If necessary, use a pencil to mark any trim that may be needed to align this edge with W-
1A. Remove the sheet and use a straight edge to trim it. Reposition the sheet in place to check your work. Once satisfied,
use a pencil to mark the sheet where it needs to be trimmed to mate to the front edge of the trailing edge sheeting. Do this
very carefully to create the best possible fit. Trim the sheet to the marks just made and reposition the sheet in place. The
front and rear should be almost seamless and the W-1A edge perfectly aligned.
Remove the center section sheet and use a straightedge and pencil to lightly mark the location of the outboard edge of W-
2 onto the back edge of the forward wing sheet and the front edge of the rear wing sheet. Place the center section sheeting
back in place and align it carefully. Now transfer the marks just made at W-2 onto the center section sheeting and again
remove it. Use a straight edge and pencil to connect the two marks just made. Now use a circle guide or the plans to draw
the corner fillets onto the sheeting. Use a straight edge and a sharp #11 blade to now trim the center section sheet to the
shape shown on the plans, including the front and rear fillets. Lightly sand as needed to blend everything in and test fit the
sheet in place. Once satisfied, glue the sheet in place to the forward and rear wing sheet edges, W-1A, W-2, and the
exposed back half of the spar. Carefully position this sheet to minimize high spots, gaps, etc. Use weight or pins to secure
in place and spray with accelerator.
BUILDERS TIP: When edge gluing
two pieces of sheeting off the
structure, it is always best to sand the
resulting joint smooth on both sides
with a sanding block before gluing
the sheet in place. This practice
minimizes high and low spots,
bumps, etc.
Locate two of the four pieces of 1/16"x1/4"x36" balsa cap strip stock provided in your kit. Use this material to now add the
rib cap strips to W-6, W-5, W-4, and W-3. These should be carefully centered on each rib and glued in place to avoid high
spots, bumps, etc. As shown on the plans, the cap strip over the W-7 tip rib is glued in place with its outer edge flush with
the outer face of W-7. Both wing panels can now be removed from your work surface.
With the wing panels now free from the work surface, carefully inspect your work
thus far. Use a long T-bar sander and 80 grit sandpaper to carefully smooth the
entire top surface of each wing panel. Do not use a small sanding block as this
can cause dips and flats on the wing surface. The goal is to only smooth any
rough areas, not to do the final sanding. Also lightly sand the face of W-1A to
smooth any of the top sheeting that may be hanging over its top edge. Turn the
panels over and use your hobby knife to carefully remove each of the stand off
tabs on each rib. Place the panels back on your building surface with the
unsheeted bottom sides up. Insert the female wing tube receptacle through W-
1A, W-2 and up against the vertical grain shear web. Apply glue around each
tube/rib joint on the inside of the wing only. Also apply glue to the area where the
tube s ply cap contacts the shear web.
Locate the two (2) pieces of plain white paper, measuring 8-1/2"x9-3/4", from
your kit. As shown on the plans, one of these sheets is rolled to form a tube 9-
3/4" long. This tube is then inserted into the hole in W-1A, located just behind the
female wing receptacle tube. Slip it through W-2 and just into W-3. This paper
tube will be the aileron servo lead housing. Properly in place, the inboard end of
the paper tube should be 1/8 proud of W-1A, like the female tube joiner
receptacle. Apply glue to each tube/rib joint on the inside of the wing only.