Glue the 1/8" ply tank floor in place to the fuselage sides, the back face of F-1 and the front face of F-2. Using the
1/8"x1/4"x36" balsa stock in your kit, cut a 3" length. This piece is now glued into the slots in the doublers, on the bottom of
the fuselage, beneath the tank tray.
Insert the remaining 4" length of female receptacle tube into one fuselage side and out the opposite side. Mark the excess
tubing with a pencil and remove the tube. Cut the excess material off with a razor saw and reinstall the trimmed tube back
in place. Its edges should be flush with the fuselage sides. Holding the tube in place, use a sanding block to lightly sand its
outer edges smooth with the fuselage side - do not glue in place yet.
From your kit, locate the .875"x15-1/4" aluminum tube wing joiner and the 3/16"
dia. x6" wood dowel. Use sandpaper to smooth each end of the tube, chamfering
the ends a little to help it fit into the female receptacle tubes a bit easier. Insert
one end of the aluminum tube into the fuselage receptacle tube, sliding it all the
way through and roughly centered on the fuselage. Insert the 3/16" dia. dowel
into the rear 3/16" dia. hole (located just beneath the servo tray) and center it in
the fuselage. Slide a wing panel in place by inserting one end of the aluminum
tube into its receptacle, sliding it to the fuselage. The rear dowel inserts into the
mating hole in W-1. Press the panel in place to the fuselage.
Repeat the procedure to mount the remaining wing panel. Hook a #64 rubber band to one of the J-hooks and stretch the
rubber band three times between each hook to seat the wing panels in place. Check the relationship of the wing panel root
ribs to the fuselage sides - they should be flush with no gaps. With the wings still attached, apply glue to the inside female
wing tube/fuselage side joints. Also apply glue to the female wing tube, where it meets the front edge of the servo tray.
IMPORTANT: In this step you will install the rear fuselage formers. Because of
the rudder and elevator pushrod orientation, they must be installed in the correct
direction. The cross sections on the plans show these formers facing forward,
toward the nose - this is the correct position for each former. Locate the 1/4"x1/2"
leftover length of balsa that you were asked to save in Step 27. This piece of
scrap will now be used as a spacer at the rear of the fuselage. Hold the two rear
fuselage sides together with the 1/4"x1/2" spacer between them (the 1/4" width
simulates the tailpost on the fin) and tape or pin the assembly accurately and
securely in place. Glue rear 1/8" ply former F-7 in place. Glue former F-6 in place,
followed by F-5.
From the contents of your kit, locate one (1) 1/8" O.D. x30" length of inner nylon
tube. This tube will be used for the internal receiver antenna housing/exit. Use a
piece of 220 grit sandpaper to scuff up the outer surface of this tube. As shown
on the plans, insert one end into the 1/8" hole in the bottom of the servo tray, just
ahead of the throttle servo location, leaving about 1/16" exposed on the top of the
tray. Glue the tubing in place to the tray. Now bend the tubing back toward the
rear of the fuselage and press it into the bottom center slot in former F-4 and glue
it in place. Press the tubing in place into formers F-5, F-6, and F-7. Glue the tube
in place to F-5 and F-6 but not to F-7 yet. Do not yet trim the excess tubing.
Locate the long fuselage bottom sheet part FB-3 and the shorter 1/8" ply
hardpoint doubler from your kit contents. As shown on the plans, the hardpoint
doubler is glued in place on top of the FB-3 part, at the very rear, with the 5/16"
dia. holes in each part aligned. Glue these parts together now. Cut a 1/4" length
off the remaining length of 5/16" dia. center drilled dowel. From your hardware
package, locate one (1) 2-56 blind mounting nut. Apply glue to the outer surface
of the nut and insert it into one end of the dowel. Press the nut in place firmly and
wipe any excess glue. Glue the dowel/blind nut part into the 5/16" dia. hole at the
rear of FB-3, with the nut located inside the fuselage. Lightly sand the dowel
smooth with the surface of FB-3.