c. To fit the pant over the wheel and against the aluminum landing gear, it is
necessary to cut a vertical slot into the lower inside face of the wheel pant, at the
location of the axle. The slot allows the pant to fit over the wheel, down onto the
6-32 hex nut which is against the outside face of the aluminum landing gear. This
slot needs to be the same width as the hex nut (5/16" wide) and approximately
3/4" depth. It is easiest to use a pencil and a small straight edge to first draw the
slot onto the wheel pant. Use a sharp #11 blade in a hobby knife to carefully cut
this slot. To fit the hex of the nut at the top of the slot, cut a peak at the top,
allowing the hex nut to nest in place. Continue trial fitting in place until 1) the
wheel clearance cut out in the pant bottom clears the wheel and 2) the slot fits
nicely over the hex nut and against the aluminum landing gear.
Attach the aluminum landing gear to the fuselage, using the three (3) 6-32 x1/2"
round head bolts supplied. Place the fuselage on your work bench with the tail
wheel in place on its strut. Fit the wheel pants in place, visually lining them up
with the fuselage - level, as shown on the plans. From the back side of the
aluminum landing gear, use a pencil to mark the two required mounting holes -
just above the axle - onto the wheel pant. Remove the pant from the landing
Accurately drill two 7/64" dia. holes through the pant, at the marks just made.
Locate the two (2) ply wheel pant mounting plates, four (4) 4-40 x3/8" round head
bolts and four (4) 4-40 blind mounting nuts from your kit contents. As shown on
the plans, one of these plates is used inside each pant as a doubler. The
mounting plates need to be prepared for installation by first using a sanding block
to slightly bevel their lower, inside surface to conform to the inside of the wheel
pant - see cross-section on the plans. Do this now. Apply thick CA glue to the
outer surface of the 4-40 blind nuts and insert them into the two holes in each
mounting plate. Use a hammer to tap them into the mounting plate.
Apply glue to the inner face of the mounting plate and glue it inside the wheel
pant, with its two mounting holes lined up with the two holes drilled in the pant -
use the 4-40 x3/8" bolts to tighten the plate to the inside surface of the pant.
Note that if any of the ply mounting plate is exposed in the pant slot it needs to be trimmed away with a sharp #11 blade to
match the slot sides in the pant. Trial fit the wheel pants in place, using the 4-40 x3/8" bolts to mount them to the landing
gear. The pants should mount easily, be aligned with each other and be easily removable.
Remove the wheel pants from the landing gear and prepare them for finishing. Use a sanding block and coarse sandpaper
to smooth the joint seams. If filler is necessary for any reason, try 5 or 15-minute epoxy glue and micro balloons. Sand the
pants completely with 220 grit sandpaper and apply a good primer, such as "K&B". Use 400 wet or dry sandpaper (wet) to
sand the pants smooth and ready for paint. You can use almost any kind of fuel proof paint to finish the pants. We have
used and can recommend paints such as SIG Supercoat dope and "K&B" epoxy.
The finished wheel pants can now be mounted to the landing gear with the 4-40 x3/8" bolts. We suggest using a thread
locking material to eliminate vibration problems (such as "Loctite" Removable Threadlocker 242, Red).
BUILDERS TIP: As shown on the model on the box, the aluminum landing gear has been polished. This is a nice
look that can be done to your landing gear. Start by sanding all of the gear s edges smooth with crocus paper. Now
you can simply use a good quality aluminum polish such as "Simichrome" or "Flitz" and elbow grease to polish the
gear. Another method is to use a bench grinder with a buffing wheel. Use a buffing compound to very quickly polish
the gear to a super, chrome-like finish.
Locate the nylon control horns for the ailerons, rudder and elevator and the eight (8) #2 x1/2" pan head screws used to
attach them. The two smaller control horns (one left and one right) are for the ailerons - mount these in place with the pan
head screws. The rudder and elevator control horns are both larger. Mount these in place with the remaining pan head