Landing this design is super easy. The first few times, without flaps, keep a little power on the engine to keep the model
moving. It can be flown right down to the ground, landing on the mains with a very short roll-out. With a little experience
and using flaps, you can consistently land this model in exactly the same place every time.
Last, this design places a real premium on a great running engine. If you are consistently having engine problems, take
the thing out of the model and either fix it on the bench or replace it with a good engine. This is not an airplane that is
going to make a bad engine look good. Nuff said.
Flying machines of any form, either model-size or full-size, are not toys! Because of the speeds that
airplanes must achieve in order to fly, they are capable of causing serious bodily harm and property
damage if they crash. IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY AND YOURS ALONE to assemble this model
airplane correctly according to the plans and instructions, to ground test the finished model before each
flight to make sure it is completely airworthy, and to always fly your model in a safe location and in a safe
manner. The first test flights should only be made by an experienced R/C flyer, familiar with high
performance R/C aircraft.
The governing body for radio-control model airplanes in the United States is the ACADEMY OF MODEL
AERONAUTICS, commonly called the AMA. The AMA SAFETY CODE provides guidelines for the safe
operation of R/C model airplanes. While AMA membership is not necessarily mandatory, it is required by
most R/C flying clubs in the U.S. and provides you with important liability insurance in case your R/C model
should ever cause serious property damage or personal injury to someone else. For more information,
5151 East Memorial Drive
Muncie, IN 47302
Telephone: (317) 287-1256
Customer Service
SIG MFG. CO. is totally committed to your success in both building and flying the SOMETHIN EXTRA design. Should you
encounter any problem building this kit, or discover any missing or damaged parts, please feel free to contact us by mail or
401-7 South Front Street
Montezuma, IA 50171-0520
SIG MODELER S ORDERLINE: (to order parts)
SIG MODELER S HOTLINE (for technical support) 1-641-623-0215
© Copyright SIG Mfg. Co .,Inc.
SIG MFG. CO., INC............Montezuma, Iowa 50171-0520
The craftsmanship, attention to detail and actions of the builder/flyer of this model airplane kit will ultimately determine the
airworthiness, flight performance and safety of the finished model. SIG MFG. CO's obligation shall be to replace those parts of
the kit proven to be defective or missing. The user shall determine the suitability of the product for his or her intended use and
shall assume all risk and liability in connection therewith.