3 Mounting and Commissioning
7UM61 Manual
The set rated current settings of the input current transformers are checked on the In-
put/Output C-I/O-2 board. All jumpers must be in the same position for a rated current,
i.e. there must be one jumper each (X61 through X64) for each of the input transform-
ers, and also the common jumper X60. However: In the version with sensitive earth
fault current input (input transformer T8) there is no jumper X64.
Jumpers X71, X72 and X73 on the Input/Output C-I/O-2 board are used to set the bus
address and may not be changed. The following Table shows the factory setting of the
Table 3-11
Module address jumper settings of input/output modules C-I/O-2
Factory Setting
X71 (AD0)
1-2 (H)
X72 (AD1)
1-2 (H)
X73 (AD2)
2-3 (L)
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