3 Mounting and Commissioning
7UM61 Manual
Be careful when operating the device connected to a battery charger without a
Non-observance of the following measure can lead to unusually high voltages and
thus the destruction of the device.
Do not operate the device on a battery charger without a connected battery. (For limit
values see also Technical Data Section 4.1).
Visual Check
During the visual check the following must be considered:
• Check of the cubicle and the devices for damage;
• Check of earthing of the cabinet and the device;
• Check of the quality and completeness of external cabling.
Acquisition of
Technical Power
System Data
For checking protection parametrization (allocation and settings) in accordance with
power system requirements, recording of technical data of the individual components
is necessary in the primary system. This includes, among others, the generator or
motor, the unit transformer and the voltage and current transformers.
On deviations from the planned data the protection settings must be corrected accord-
Analog Inputs
Check of the current and voltage transformer circuits includes the following items:
• Acquisition of technical data
• Visual check of transformers, e.g. for damage, assembly position, connections
• Check of transformer earthing, especially earthing of the broken delta winding in
only one phase
• Check cabling in accordance with circuit diagram
• Check of the short circuiters of the plug connectors for current circuits
Further checks may be required depending on the contract:
• Insulation measurement of cable
• Measurement of transformation ratio and polarity
• Burden measurement
• If test switches are used for the secondary check, their function must also be
Binary Inputs and
For more information see also Section 3.3.
• Setting of binary inputs:
– Check and match jumper allocation for pickup thresholds (see Section 3.1)
– Check the pickup threshold – if possible – with a variable DC voltage source
• Check the tripping circuits from the command relays and the tripping lines down to
the various components (circuit breakers, excitation circuit, emergency tripping,
switchover devices etc.)
• Check the indication processing from the indication relays via the indication cable
to the control instrumentation technology, by pickup of indication contacts from the
protection and checking of texts in the control and instrumentation technology.
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