9229 0025 176 0A
Circuit-breaker tripping signal (-S6) 3AX4206-0A
A further shunt release, current transformer-operated release or undervoltage re-
lease can be installed as a 2nd or 3rd release.
Low-voltage interface (-X0)
For the connection of the control cable, the standard version of the vacuum circuit-
breakers is equipped with a 64-pole low-voltage interface (-X0).
The 64-pole plug for the external terminal is suitable for crimp termination of control
cables with a nominal cross-section of 1.5 mm
A further shunt release, transformer-operated release or undervoltage release can
be installed as a 2nd release.
The position switch (-S6) makes contact briefly when the
vacuum circuit-breaker is opened by means of an elec-
trical release.
This contact can be used for a signal.
Fig. 29
Circuit-breaker tripping signal (54.6)
Fig. 30
Low-voltage interface (-X0), 64-pole
3AX1134-.. (32)
Fig. 31
Low-voltage interface (-X0), retaining angle
with cable outlet 3AX1134-.. (32)