OP27, OP37 Equipment Manual
Release 05/99
Alarm messages and event messages can be configured so that text compo-
nents may be distinguished from the rest of the message text by flashing or
Messages may contain text and tag fields. Tag fields display current PLC val-
ues in alphanumeric form.
A sub–category of the event message is the standby message. The standby
message is the event message number 0. It is displayed when no other event
message is waiting to be displayed on the OP.
A current event or alarm message can be displayed in either a message line or
message window. One of the following combinations can be defined in the
Event messages and alarm mes-
sages are displayed in separate
The alarm message window is
opened automatically when an
alarm message arrives. When the
alarm message is acknowledged,
the alarm message window disap-
The event message window can
only be opened by pressing a con-
figured function key.
Event message window
Alarm message window
An event message is displayed in
the message line, whereas an
alarm message is displayed in the
message window. The alarm mes-
sage window is opened automati-
cally when an alarm message
occurs. When an alarm message
is acknowledged, the alarm mes-
sage window disappears if no
other alarm messages are waiting.
Alarm message window
Message line
An alarm message is displayed in
the message window. Event mes-
sages are not displayed.
When the alarm message is
acknowledged, the alarm message
window is closed.
Alarm message window
Standby message
Display mode
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