Windows Automation Center, WinAC Slot Version 4.0
Hardware Installation and Operating Manual, Edition 02/2006, A5E00273194-02
Restart method:
The restart method determines which startup OB is executed whenever the
controllerchanges from STOP mode to RUN mode. The startup OB allows you to
initialize your STEP 7 userprogram and variables. The restart methods are: Cold
restart (OB 102), hot restart (OB 101) and warm restart (OB 100).
Retentive data:
Retentive data are not lost in the event of a line voltage failure if there is a
Runtime error:
Errors that occur during running of the user program in the automation system
(inother words, not in the process).
S7 communication:
Communication between controllers on the network, hardware or software, using
theS7 communication functions.
S7 routing:
Communications between S7 controllers, S7 applications or PC Stations across
differentsubnets through one or more network nodes acting as routers, configured
with NetPro.
Scan cycle:
The scan cycle includes writing to the outputs, reading the inputs, executing OB 1
and all otherOBs, and completing the sleep time requirement.
Scan cycle time:
Time required to execute the complete scan cycle, which includes the execution of
OB 1and the minimum sleep time.
Station Configuration Editor:
Tool, accessible from taskbar, for configuring the PC Station.
Programming language for programming, configuring and assigning parameters
touser programs for SIMATIC S7 PLCs.