4.9 Security (CP 1543SP-1)
CP 154xSP-1
Operating Instructions, 12/2019, C79000-G8976-C426-05
E-mail configuration
No configuration
As default, the sending of e-mails is disabled.
Activate SMTP
Enable this option if you want to use the sending of unencrypted e-mails via SMTP port
Enable SSL/TLS
If your e-mail service provider only supports encrypted transfer, enable this option. Select
the protocol via the port number:
Port no. 587
When using STARTTLS the CP sends encrypted e-mails.
Port no. 465
When using SSL/TLS (SMTPS) the CP sends encrypted e-mails.
Ask your e.mail service provider which option is supported.
If you want to use an Internet connection with an IPv6 infrastructure, note the information
in the section IPv6 (Page 55).
VPN (Virtual Private Network)
VPN - IPsec
Virtual Private Network (VPN) is a technology for secure transportation of confidential data in
public IP networks, for example the Internet. With VPN, a secure connection (IPsec tunnel) is
set up and operated between two secure IT systems or networks via a non-secure network.
The IPsec tunnel forwards all data even from protocols of higher layers (HTTP, FTP, etc.).
The data traffic between two network components is transported unrestricted through
another network. This allows entire networks to be connected together via a neighboring or
intermediate network.