4.8 Partner stations
CP 1243-7 LTE
Operating Instructions, 04/2017, C79000-G8976-C381-03
Connection establishment
Specifies the communications partner that establishes the connection (always the CP).
Partner port
Number of the listener port of the telecontrol server.
Partner stations > "Telecontrol server" > "Advanced settings"
Report partner status
If the "Report partner status" function is enabled, the CP signals the status of the
communication to the remote partner.
Bit 0 of "PLC tag for partner status" (data type WORD) is set to 1 if the partner can be
Bit 1 is set to 1 if all the paths to the remote partner are OK (useful with redundant
Bits 2-3 indicate the status of the send buffer (frame memory).
The following values are possible:
- 0: Send buffer OK
- 1: Send buffer threatening to overflow (more than 80 % full).
- 3: Send buffer has overflowed (fill level 100 % reached).
As soon as the fill level drops below 50%, bits 2 and 3 are reset to 0.
Bits 4 to 15 of the PLC tags are not used and do not need to be evaluated in the program.